Welcome to Synthgeek.tv, a home for synth geeks and audio freaks. Prepare yourself for a news overload from all the synthesizer and studio manufacturers around the world, as well as opinions and rants from your fellow circuit board worshippers. Here at synthgeek.tv we’re not big, we’re not clever but this stuff keeps us up at night!

Wednesday 29 December 2010

UltraNova is a 'Nova' series analogue-modelling synthesizer with a powerful effects processor. It is a single-part synth taking the legendary Supernova II synth engine as a starting point and packing it with the latest technology.

It now has brand new features including wavetable synthesis, even more powerful filters, a software editor and a revolutionary new touch-sense performance mode.

For more info: http://www.novationmusic.com/uk/produ...

Moog: Introducing the Slim Phatty

Richard Devine meets the new Slim Phatty Analog Synthesizer from Moog.

Real Moog sound now fits your back pack and your budget. The Slim Phatty's 100% analog signal path, intuitive user interface, rugged construction and rich MIDI, USB and Control Voltage functionality make it a must-have for producers, touring musicians and DJs.

More info at www.moogmusic.com/slimphatty

Ableton Artist: Shawn Pelton: Beat Massage

Check out how Pelton massages beats.

Get free trial version at http://www.ableton.com/downloads

Ableton Artist: Kid Beyond

An inventive take on how to use Live, matched with exceptional vocal skills.

Get free trial version at http://www.ableton.com/downloads