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Thursday 13 January 2011

NAMM 2011: Steinberg Cubase 6

Steinberg today releases Cubase 6 and Cubase Artist 6 at the 2011 NAMM Show. The latest incarnation of the world’s most popular music production system holds an array of sensational new tools, inspiring instruments and effects, and a groundbreaking approach to composing with MIDI and VST.
Developing professional composing tools for more than 25 years, Steinberg once again breaks new ground with Cubase 6. The new VST Expression 2 feature set now includes Note Expression — a revolutionary composing tool that exceeds the limitations of the MIDI standard.
In the audio domain, Cubase 6 introduces a comprehensive toolset for lightning-fast multitrack editing, including state-of-the-art transient and tempo detection, multitrack phase-stable audio quantization and drum replacement functions. The new take-comping system provides a fast and effective way to build the perfect take.
Cubase 6 also comes with exciting new instruments and effect processors, including the VST Amp Rack guitar suite plug-in, HALion Sonic SE, a streamlined version of Steinberg’s HALion Sonic VST workstation, and LoopMash 2, the second incarnation of our innovative beat-mangling tool.
Visit the Cubase 6 product page for detailed information on all new features, audio demos, videos, and more.
While Cubase 6 is tailored to professional musicians, producers, and composers, the new Cubase Artist 6 is the perfect choice for talented newcomers and seasoned musicians looking to combine the newest technologies with a vast array of musical features.

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