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Thursday 20 January 2011

NAMM 2011: Synthgeek.tv - Korg WAVEDRUM Oriental

NAMM 2011: Synthgeek.tv - Korg WAVEDRUM Oriental

The WAVEDRUM is distinguished by its revolutionary synthesis technology, and by an interface that allows a direct physical method of performance, making it the ideal instrument for replicating and articulating these exacting Arabic sounds. Arabic percussion – indispensible to belly dancing, world music, and other popular genres – owes its groove and exotic atmosphere not just to its non-western musical theory and unique performance techniques, but also to the distinctive sound of specific percussion instruments including the doumbek, darbuka, riq, def, and tar, even the bendir. The striking surfaces of these Arabic percussion instruments are extremely simple, yet they are able to produce a wide range of timbres, one of the essential requirements for playing these inimitable Arabic sounds.

To the award-winning WAVEDRUM, the new WAVEDRUM ORIENTAL adds a full range of algorithms and PCM samples dedicated to Arabic percussion. All of these sounds faithfully simulate the distinctive ways in which the tone is affected by subtle nuances in playing technique and the position of the strike on these acoustic instruments – the Darbuka with its thin single skin, the Riq with its single skin and jingles, and the dual-skinned Bendir. The number of preset programs has been increased from the previous 100 and now stands at 150 preset programs. Together with the 150 user programs, you can now choose from a total of 300 variations. The appearance has also been enhanced. The body is a white tone reminiscent of a high-quality darbuka's ceramic body, complemented by a deep red wine-colored rim suggestive of the riches of Arabian culture.

For more information contact Production Room on 0113 246 7985 or email info@production-room.com

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